Tabs is the most popular JavaScript tool on
the web. Tabs, horizontal tabs and accordions, finally done
the right way.
Tooltip helps you to build easier user
interfaces. Big or small. Pluggable effects. Yet another
crucial tool.
Overlay is a significant part of the
JavaScript/Web 2.0 landscape. This tool handles them all:
commercial overlays, modal dialogs and slideshows.
Scrollable is the most successful tool in
this library. Any size and shape. Infinite loops and more.
![jQuery Tools. The ultimate UI library for web](/media/img/hero/jquerytools.jpg)
jQuery Tools is a collection of the most
important user-interface components for modern websites. Used by
large sites all over the world. Want to use our tools but don't have a website? Learn to start blogging or create a new website with help from the Blog Starter, and then incorporate jQuery in your functionality.